General Rules and Etiquette
1. Class Booking
Class booking can be made 14 days in advance of the class.
If you attend a class without booking, you will be asked to purchase a One Class Pass regardless of whether you have an existing pass with us.
We also limit our class sizes so that they are not overcrowded. If a class you wish to take is full, we will place you on the wait list and notify you of an opening as soon as possible.
4. Before Class
Eat lightly or not at all for 2-3 hours before class.
Make sure to keep hydrated by drinking water both before and after class.
Tell your instructor about any injuries. This will help the instructor know how to adjust you or show you a modified pose if necessary.
You are welcome to bring your own towel and/or other amenities to be used in your practice.
Do not come to yoga classes if you are feeling unwell.
2. Cancellation
Please give us a 12-hour advance notice if you cannot attend the pre-booked class so that we can release your booking to waitlisted students.
No shows, unused classes, and cancellations with less than a 12-hour notice period all result in the session being forfeited. Class fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. No refunds will be given under any circumstances.
We may cancel a class if the class does not reach 2 students. In such case, we shall give at least a 4-hour notice to you prior to the starting time of the class to be cancelled.
5. At the Studio
Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your class to allow yourself ample time to check-in and prepare for class. But you are advised not to come too early if the earlier class has not ended.
Please remove your shoes before entering the studio teaching area.
Open shelving units are available at the studio for storage. However we accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of your property.
Be considerate, please clean your mat and/or hammock with alcohol solution before and after class.
3. Waiting List
When a reservation is cancelled more than 12 hours before the class time, a spot will be open to students on the waiting list. The system will send you an email confirming your space.
* No overlapping within the same time slot – this applies to both confirmed and waitlist bookings.
6. During Class
All classes start on time. You may not be allowed in after 15 minutes the class starts.
Please turn your phone into silence mode or turn it off.
Eating or drinking are strictly prohibited inside the studio teaching area. You are however allowed to drink water from your own water bottle.
Please be courteous to the teacher and other students at all times.
You are to be reminded that the teacher's role is to guide and assist students through the class, which may not include the demonstration of all postures.

precaution before the class
You MUST declare your health and medical conditions by completing a HEALTH DECLARATION FORM which is sent to your email before the class.
You MUST inform yoga teacher of any injury, pregnancy or any body condition that makes you discomfort at the beginning of your yoga class.
You MUST follow the instructions of yoga teacher attentively during yoga classes at all times.
You MUST stop your yoga practice IMMEDIATELY during yoga classes if you feel or experience any signs of pain or discomfort; or you are instructed to stop.
You understand and acknowledge that you should refrain from YOGA PRACTICE if you are in a state of exhaustion, illness, in a hurry or in an acute stress conditions.
You understand and acknowledge that you should refrain from YOGA PRACTICE if you are suffering from any illness, any sprains or fractures, on medication or after surgeries UNLESS you have consulted your medical expert that you are fit and proper to do so.
You understand and acknowledge that you should refrain from AERIAL YOGA PRACTICE if your weight is over 90kg (about 200lbs) for safety concern.
You understand and acknowledge that you should consult your medical expert if you have any health conditions (including but not limited to HEART DISEASE, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, STROKE, or any LONG-TERM ILLNESS), or you are PREGNANT before doing yoga practice.
Anyone (including airline crew and HK residents under the Return2hk Travel Scheme) who has returned or lives with anyone who has returned from overseas (including Macau and Mainland China) must refrain from visiting Daisy Yoga for 14 days commencing their date of return.
By booking our class, you understand and accept our "Disclaimer" and "Terms and Conditions".
Severe Weather Arrangements
Typhoon Signal No. 8 or Above (the "Signal")
If the Signal is hoisted before opening hours, studio will remain closed and will open in 2 hours after the Signal is lowered.
If the Signal is hoisted during opening hours, studio will close immediately after the Signal is hoisted.
Studio will open in 2 hours if the Signal is lowered before 6pm.
If the Signal is lowered on or after 6pm, studio will remain closed for the whole day.
Black Rainstorm Warning (the "Warning")
If the Warning is hoisted before opening hours, studio will remain closed and will open in 2 hours after the Warning is lowered.
If the Warning is hoisted during opening hours, studio will remain open.
Students, however, are reminded to stay indoors or in a safe place until the heavy rain has passed.

Special Arrangement due to Covid-19
Wash your hands before and after class.
You are required to wear a mask AT ALL TIME while at the studio.
Please do not dispose your masks at the studio.
If you or your household member return to Hong Kong from travel, please abstain from joining any class in the studio until you have 14-day of self-quarantine.